Who is involved?

The Mid and South Essex Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) includes the main health and care organisations working with a network of 179 GP practices.

Each of the main organisations has a representative on our Partnership Board, which oversees several working groups to deliver our Partnership plan. There are also a number of advisory groups, which ensure expert input from professionals, patients and local people.

List of Partners in the STP

NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), which plan and buy your healthcare with funds from national Government

Basildon and Brentwood CCG

Castle Point and Rochford CCG

Mid Essex CCG

Southend-on-sea CCG

Thurrock CCG

CCGs work closely with GPs, pharmacies, dentists, opticians, hospitals, community services, local authorities and voluntary services in your area.

Local authorities, which provide social care and plan and buy services from care agencies, care homes and voluntary services

Essex County Council

Southend-on-sea Borough Council

Thurrock Council

Organisations that provide health services planned by CCGs

Mid Essex, Southend and Basildon Hospitals, which are working together as the Mid and South Essex University Hospital Group.

East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Organisations that provide health and care services planned jointly by CCGs and local authorities

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, which provides community, adult mental health services and children’s inpatient mental health services

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), which provides community services and children’s community mental health services

Provide, which provides community and social care services

Other main partners

Your local independent watchdog bodies – Healthwatch Essex, Healthwatch Southend and Healthwatch Thurrock

NHS England Specialised Commissioning, which buys the most specialised services for the whole of the midlands and east region

Health Education England, which is responsible for the development of the NHS workforce

NHS England and NHS Improvement, the national regulators of the NHS