Making it happen



Using the combined strengths and resources of our organisations, our Partnership is better able to attract finance, innovation and support to make real change happen over the coming years and to support our communities to thrive.

Financial planning

Mid and south Essex is improving its financial position year on year to return to financial balance by 2020/21. The health economy in Essex has a history of deficit and debt as a result of having to spend more than the allocated funds each year, in order to maintain services. Learn More

Digital and IT

We believe that technology has great potential to improve care through better information sharing, helping people to take more control over their health and helping them to access the right services and community support when needed. Learn More

Growing and developing workforce

We believe it is vital that we develop a sustainable health and care workforce, including GP practice staff, nurses, therapists and hospital doctors. Learn more

Buildings review and improvement

The NHS and councils in our area own a large number of buildings, but rarely do they share space, or monitor the potential benefits of this.

The Carter Report into efficiency in the NHS highlighted that there were several key themes linked to how we could use our buildings and grounds more effectively. Learn More


Innovation is introducing or developing new ideas with the aim of improving health care; either through creating totally new ideas or the adoption of novel strategies, approaches and tools from elsewhere. Learn More