Digital and IT

We believe that technology has great potential to improve care through better information sharing, helping people to take more control over their health and helping them to access the right services and community support when needed.

Our approach will include:

  • Joining up your information – secure access to patient records for clinicians and care workers, where and when they are needed
  • Providing access for patients and their carers to their digital health records
  • Helping people to take greater responsibility for their health through use of technology
  • Developing on-line resources to guide people through their care and treatment, including community support information
  • Extending the role of technology to support direct patient care e.g. e-consultations and video consultations.

Integrated Shared Care Record

Health and social care records are separately held in silos by care providers and support agencies, across Essex.

Although some provider organisations use the same base systems there is no ability to easily share critical and timely information across the region.

Clinicians, wider health and social care professionals need real time access to patient and resident information to support new ways of working and improved outcomes.

We have received national funding to support the development and implementation of the Integrated Shared Care Record across mid and south Essex and beyond.

Our plans will create a central, consolidated digital view and make accessible health and social care information to multiple providers across the region.

Benefits of this system will include better co-ordination of health and social care assessments, improved clinical decision-making and patient safety.

Most importantly, as integrated care is increasingly delivered by multi-disciplinary teams, shared information will become critical – helping those who care for you work more closely to ensure you are getting g the right help when you need it.