Growing and developing workforce

We believe it is vital that we develop a sustainable health and care workforce, including GP practice staff, nurses, therapists and hospital doctors.

But securing a sufficiently skilled workforce is a challenge for all aspects of our system across mid and south Essex.

We are in close proximity to London, and trained, experienced staff often commute outside of our local area.

The Partnership believes that investment in prevention is key to supporting residents to live well and to combat the rising demand on health and care services.

This requires a different type of workforce, with new and exciting roles being developed.

Our approach includes:

  • Offering system-wide leadership, training, education and learning opportunities to support new ways of working and ensure staff have the right skills
  • Joining up teams and introducing new roles to improve continuity of care and support for people
  • Joining up our approach to recruitment: promoting mid and south Essex as a great place to live and work
  • Minimising the use of expensive agency and temporary staff.

Our Local Workforce Action Board continues to develop an exciting programme of education, training and development opportunities for our staff.

We will be developing a health and care workforce strategy over the coming months, with some key outcome measures to enable us to monitor the success of the many programmes we have in place.